Parepare City Human Development Index 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Parepare Municipality

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Parepare City Human Development Index 2021

Release Date : December 7, 2021
File Size : 2.19 MB


Improvements occur in all components, both the quality of health, education
and adjusted per capita expenditure.
IPM 2021 improvement is supported by improvements in all components
its constituents. This is different from the conditions of the previous year. In the year of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a slowdown in HDI growth
caused by a decrease in adjusted per capita expenditure. In 2021, per capita spending will climb 0.90 percent compared to last year
year 2020.
In terms of education, in 2021 children aged 7 years have the hope of enjoying 14.51 years of education, or almost equivalent to the length of time to complete education up to Diploma III level. This figure is an increase of 0.01 years compared to 2020 which reached 14.50 years. In addition, the average length of schooling for residents aged 25 years and over also increased by 0.20 years, from 10.45 years to 10.65 years in 2021.
In terms of health, babies born in 2021 are estimated to live up to 71.31 years, 0.04 years longer than babies born in the previous year.
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