Gross Domestic Regional Product of Parepare Municipality by Industry 2015-2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Parepare Municipality

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Gross Domestic Regional Product of Parepare Municipality by Industry 2015-2019

Catalog Number : 9302021.7372
Publication Number : 73720.2004
ISSN/ISBN : 2460-2426
Release Date : April 30, 2020
File Size : 2.49 MB


Based on 2010 constant market prices, the value of GRDP Parepare in 2019 increased. The increase was influenced by the increased production in the entire field of business that is free from the effects of inflation. Parepare value of GRDP at constant prices 2010, reached 4.95 trillion rupiah. The number is up from 4.64 trillion rupiah in 2018. It shows that during 2019 occurred economic growth of 6,65 percent, higher than the last economic growth which reached 5,58 percent.The rate of Economic growth is calculated using the constant prices of GRDP. The growth rate is calculated by subtracting value of GDP in ’n’ year to the value in n-1year (previous year), divided by the value in year n-1, and then multiplied by 100 percent. The growth rate shows the grown of the aggregate production of a specified time to an earlier time.
Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at the regional (provincial) describes the ability of a region to develop output (value added) at a certain time. To measuring GRDP can be done by applying in two approaches, namely the production approach and expenditure approach. Both of them present composition of the value added by economic activity (by industry) and the components of expenditure. GRDP by industry is the sum of all components of gross value added that to be develop by the various activities. In terms, in the expenditure approach describes how to use the value added.
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