GRDP of Parepare Municipality by Expenditure 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Parepare Municipality

To get statistcal data please come to Integrated Statistic Service at Jend. Sudirman Street 66th Parepare || At July 2024, Parepare is inflation as 1.82% (year on year) and -0.15% (month to month), full details can be seen at

GRDP of Parepare Municipality by Expenditure 2021

Release Date : March 1, 2022
File Size : 2.42 MB


Parepare Economy based on Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) based on the current price in 2021, it reaches Rp. 7.83 trillion and above constant base 2010 reached Rp. 5.16 trillion.
  • Parepare's economy in 2021 compared to the previous year experienced growth of 4.41 percent. From the expenditure side, consumption expenditure households have a significant contribution reaching 53.89% with component growth of 3,00 % .
  • Growth in 2021 from the expenditure side, occurs in almost all components expenditure. This is especially evident in the consumption expenditure component government with 5.13% growth, with a contribution to total GRDP Parepare City by 13.45 percent.
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