Gross Domestic Regional Product of Parepare Municipality by Expenditure 2012-2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Parepare Municipality

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Gross Domestic Regional Product of Parepare Municipality by Expenditure 2012-2016

Catalog Number : 9302020.7372
Publication Number : 73720.1704
Release Date : September 18, 2017
File Size : 3.65 MB


This publication specifically addresses PDRB according to the final expenditure / demand approach. This approach is broken down into several components: Household Consumption Expenditures, Non-Profit Non-Profit Consumption Expenditures Serving Households, Government Consumption, Investment (Gross Fixed Capital Formation and Inventory Changes), and Inter-region Net Exports (inter-regional exports reduced by import between regions). PDRB data in this publication has been using the base year of 2010, and has applied the concept of System of National Accounts 2008 as recommended by United Nations.
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